Green River Community College Employees Bullying Citizens

Green River Community College Employees Bullying Citizens

Green River Community College Employees Bullying Citizens

Green River Community College faculty are refusing to serve students as a protest against the range of programs the college Trustees have selected to offer.

“Government” is the people taxing themselves to accomplish various public purposes. The decisions about those purposes are made by elected officials and the trustees they appoint.

At Green River Community College, the faculty union believes it has the right to set the budgeting priorities and to choose what services will be offered. This is an absurdity which needs to be called out for the sham it is. Government does not exist for payroll and union dues collection. All are free to speak about what the priorities ought to be, but none should be allowed to bully to produce a specific priority.

Government unions once again demonstrate a willingness to put the self-interest of employees ahead of services to students, ahead of the common good and ahead of the proper function of government in a Constitutional Republic.

More on the story here.

Ellen M. Banner/The Seattle Times

Ellen M. Banner/The Seattle Times

Senior Policy Analyst
Jami Lund is the Freedom Foundation’s Senior Policy Analyst. From 2004 to 2011, he developed legislative policy as a research analyst for the Washington House Republican Caucus. Prior to that he worked for the Freedom Foundation as the Project Manager for the Teachers Paycheck Protection project, shepherding the development of the Foundation’s landmark U.S. Supreme Court case to protect teacher rights. Jami is an accomplished speaker and researcher, one of Washington state’s top scholars on education policy and finance.