Freedom Foundation Statement on Bureau of Labor Statistics Lowest Union Membership in History

Freedom Foundation Statement on Bureau of Labor Statistics Lowest Union Membership in History
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“On Tuesday, the Biden administration had to report numbers that reflect the lowest union membership numbers in history – and they’re trying to put a good spin on it, but the fact is that union membership is declining because workers don’t see the value in sending their hard-earned dollars to labor leaders who enrich themselves off the backs of working people,” said Aaron Withe, CEO of the Freedom Foundation.

“The Freedom Foundation is proud to have helped hundreds of thousands of these workers to leave their unions in all 50 states over the past few years,” said Withe. 

“It’s become increasingly clear that unions exist to pay union bosses and elect politicians who will grow government and push left-wing agendas that many working people don’t agree with,” continued Withe. “They play politics with other people’s money, and the hard-working Americans just trying to keep up with inflation are tired of it.”