Happy warriors defy the elements in union-dominated California

Happy warriors defy the elements in union-dominated California

Happy warriors defy the elements in union-dominated California

Despite officially experiencing a drought, California has seen unusually heavy rainfall this spring season. While that’s terrific news for the overall health of the state, it complicates the Freedom Foundation’s canvassing operations.

Nevertheless, rain or shine, nothing stays our outreach staffers from their appointed visits with the state’s public employees.

Mac, wearing his familiar yellow raincoat, has actually enjoyed the recent soggy conditions and has continued to canvass despite the inclement weather. While canvassers are not required to knock doors during rain, Mac is committed to the mission of protecting public employees’ First Amendment rights and informing them of how to opt out of their unions.

Being young and motivated, Mac is what we call at the Freedom Foundation a “happy warrior” — one who works towards a purpose with eagerness and gratitude.

If we’re going to accomplish our ambitious goals in this state, we need all the Macs we can find. We hire people just because they have a political background; we also want canvassers willing to take a stand and dedicated to the cause.

While California may be a deep blue state, many of its residents feel alienated by the state’s radical policies and recognize the Freedom Foundation’s struggle against the government employees that fund and demand much of the madness that permeates the Legislature provides the perfect vehicle for fighting back.  

Here at the Freedom Foundation, we’re committed to helping develop and refine the skills needed to bring down left-wing union bosses.

We do not merely aim to hire, train and deploy canvassers. Our aim is to inspire an army of happy warriors who will stand up to union bullies.

It’s a formula that’s worked for the Freedom Foundation in other states and is being applied successfully in every corner of the country — much to the chagrin of union bosses accustomed to getting whatever they wanted before we arrived.

California Outreach Director
Before joining the Freedom Foundation, Orlando studied and graduated from the University of California, Los Angeles. During his college career he worked and canvassed for various organizations and candidates to bring change to Southern California and his neighborhood of San Bernardino County. As an independent minded student, honored the freedoms and limitation set forth by the Constitution. As a deputy director for Rick Caruso’s bid for mayor in Los Angeles in 2022, Orlando’s role was to recruit, train and manage canvassers fulfilling his passion of engaging with people about politics on the streets of South LA. Despite the hostile environment, he enjoyed being an effective member of Caruso’s team. Orlando enjoys spontaneous trips with friends, the sunny beaches of Orange County and making his newly-wed wife, Mariana, laugh.