Pre-Janus Opt-Out campaign in California starts with 36,000 teachers

Pre-Janus Opt-Out campaign in California starts with 36,000 teachers

Pre-Janus Opt-Out campaign in California starts with 36,000 teachers

Over this past weekend, the Freedom Foundation sent more than 36,000 emails to members of the United Teachers of Los Angeles (UTLA). The messaging is simple enough: Don’t Re-sign Your Rights Away.

UTLA is aggressively asking educators to sign a new union membership card, but buried in the new forms is a clause that makes paying dues “irrevocable.” UTLA hopes to casually bypass any ruling by the Supreme Court on Janus v. AFSCME by asking its teachers to permanently and irrevocably hand over their wages.

Knowledge and information is power. When given the appropriate information, Californians will make sound logical decisions against the groupthink of the moment. Teachers are no exception to this, and yet many are most susceptible to this form of manipulation.

The court will finally give these teachers a voice and the Freedom Foundation will make sure their sound echoes loud above the cacophony of union lies.

Caregivers and union members deserve to know their rights.

Help share our mission today by visiting our website and refer it to every public employee union member you know.

California Director
Samuel Han is the California director at the Freedom Foundation. He directly oversees the Freedom Foundation’s newest expansion into California with the goal of holding local and state governments accountable to citizens and not beholden to the interests of public-sector unions. He previously worked as the district director for a conservative Assembly member in the heart of Orange County. Sam was instrumental in leading the district outreach operation, which received high marks from the California Republican Assembly Caucus. Sam was also recognized by The Korea Times in its 44th commemorative issue as a “Future Leader in Politics” and has been quoted in several major publications regarding his views on local government, including National Public Radio, World Magazine, and the Korean Times. Sam is a graduate of the University of California, San Diego, with a degree in management science. He has also completed a Business Certificate Program from the Harvard Business School and was an MBA Fellow at UCLA. He and his wife reside in Fullerton, Calif., and enjoy spending time with their son and serving at their local church.