Inslee Responds to the Freedom Foundation After Analysis of COVID 19 Deaths.

Inslee Responds to the Freedom Foundation After Analysis of COVID 19 Deaths.

Gov. Jay Inslee’s Press Conference:  Watch Inslee’s response to questions about the Freedom Foundation’s analysis of his government’s overreporting COVID 19 deaths

The Freedom Foundation’s Max Nelsen released his report shortly before Inslee’s regular Monday press conference, and  the media actually asked the governor about it.   The questions caught Inslee off-guard.

He was defensive, and his response was astonishing and Saul Alinsky like.

Inslee said: “I guess they’re saying … we should not act responsibly if there’s only 887 people dead instead of 1,000 … (The Freedom Foundation) went out and argue(d) that 887 dead is just not something to be worried about … They’re fanning the flames of misinformation…and it’s dangerous to people’s health.”

Later when he was asked a follow-up question about the study, Inslee replied: “The problem is, you’ve got some people out there who are fanning these conspiracy claims from the planet Pluto.  And it’s just disgusting what they’re trying to say about all these crazy, deep state malarkey”.

Gov. Inslee likes to say he is making decisions based on science and hard data.  Our research says otherwise.

Executive Vice President
Brian Minnich serves as the executive vice president for the Freedom Foundation. Prior to starting a political consulting firm in 2011, Brian served for 19 years as the legislative affairs director for the Building Industry Association of Washington. Brian built the association’s legislative program into a powerhouse lobbying operation, which was recognized as the most aggressive and effective in the state. Before moving to Washington in 1991, Brian served as a legislative assistant to U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky).