Citizens Support Clark County Councilor’s Ideas

Citizens Support Clark County Councilor’s Ideas

Citizens Support Clark County Councilor’s Ideas

Earlier this week Clark County citizens encouraged the Clark County Council to pursue two proposed union reform resolutions.

Draft Transparency Resolution: Link
Draft Employee Choice Resolution:

There is an ongoing war in Washington State for transparency and the right of employment without extortion. From one end of the state to the other. Washingtonians are tired of being left in the dark while their elected officials are bullied by union bosses.

Washingtonians are waking up to the fact that public sector union bosses have been bullying their employees and our elected officials, and they are not taking it anymore!

John LeyDirect Link

Michael DelavarDirect Link

David AltDirect Link


National Outreach Director
Before joining the Freedom Foundation, Matthew worked as supervisor at the Washington State Department of Agriculture, where he coordinated efforts between federal and state agencies, tribes, and volunteer organizations in the Puget Sound. Grassroots politics has provided Matthew with many unique and sometimes controversial experiences. These experiences range from successfully building coalitions between different factions to training and organizing volunteers to maximize their effectiveness. Matthew’s passion for freedom to educate citizens about their Constitutional rights is strong and unwavering. “I not only measure success by results, bu t by the integrity of the action taken to achieve the result.” —Matthew H.