Freedom Foundation Statement on Oregon Legislative Union Case

Freedom Foundation Statement on Oregon Legislative Union Case
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Freedom Foundation Statement on Oregon Legislative Union Case

This week, the Oregon Court of Appeals ruled that state Rep. Kim Wallan and her Legislative Assistant Sarah Daley do not have standing to challenge the Oregon Employment Relations Board unionizing all legislative assistants in the Oregon House and Senate under the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW).

“Today’s decision from the Court of Appeals is laughable,” said Freedom Foundation Northwest Director Jason Dudash.

“The law surrounding the merits of this case is plainly in our favor, which is why the court had to use a new theory of standing – never before applied in Oregon law – to be able to rule against us.”

Dudash continued, “Let’s not forget the constitutional arguments we are making were originally made by the attorney general herself. Now those same attorneys are fighting against the arguments they originally made. Laughable really is the only word that comes to mind.”

“We very much look forward to appealing this poorly reasoned decision,” concluded Dudash.